Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
World First Farmer Incubator Launches for 2020
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
World-first farmer incubator launches for 2020.
We are pumped to be running Cultivator 2020 and we want the best farmers to be a part of it.
Through Cultivator you have a chance to be selected to co-own your dream farm with an investor
We have proven the model with Claire and Marc Coates on Freeland Pork in Kyabram Victoria and you could be the second farmer.
This program is exactly why we started Cultivate Farms - to show anyone with a dream of farm ownership that it is possible.
The investor who backed Claire and Marc loved it so much that they want to go again and hopefully we are able to get a few more investors along the way.
Apply here
How it works
We incubate 10 aspiring farmers who develop a pitch for a farm in Victoria.
Our scope is for anyone who wants to farm in Victoria. If you are jealous that this is only Victoria at the moment, then help us spread the word so we can get support to roll this out nation wide.
We then run 6 months worth of seminars and one-on-one sessions for you to develop a:
1. farm pitch document
2. 5 year financial model
3. 3 minute video
There will be 10 participants and at the end of it every farmer will have a pitch and the confidence to go and find your own investors to realise your dream
So if you think you are good enough to co-own and run a farm with an investor and have a track record of running a farm, then please do apply.
Help us to spread the word about this - tell everyone you know so that we can make this a massive success and get even more opportunities like this for you to get on your farm.
We have support from the Federal Government and also the Minister for Agriculture, Senator Bridget McKenzie.
It is absolutely possible to own your farm. Get pumped up. Get inspired and keep chasing your dream.
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Cultivator 2.0
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
We are running the second Cultivator Program. This definitely is a world-first program and we are so excited
The investor who backed our first farm (Freeland Pork) has confirmed they are willing to back another farmer, so we are ready to go.
The program is for aspiring farmers who want to farm in Victoria only.
If you are anywhere else in Australia, we want you to be jealous and talk to all your farming, government and community groups to kick up a stink and fight to get us to do a program in your area. We are ready.
The program kicks off in early 2020 but we are making a list of willing farmers - so email sam@cultivatefarms.com if you want to know more.
- Know how to run a farm and feel confident to co-own with an investor
- Want to farm in Victoria
- You can commit time to pulling a farm proposal together (Detailed plan, finances and 2 minute video)
- Could pay $4,000 to be part of the program
Summary: Australian agricultural production is set to increase from $60B to $100B by 2030, and the average age of farmers is 59, 20 years older than most industries. 50% of farmers are expected to retire within the next 15 years. $400B in investment dollars needs to be invested in a new generation of young people to take over the farms. If we don’t inspire the best to become farmers, our regional communities will continue to decline as our farms become bigger and less family-oriented. Cultivate Farms established the Cultivator program in 2017, a world first farm investment incubator. The first program had 13 participants and a Kyabram free range pig farming couple were backed by an investor in mid 2018 (Freeland Pork). The course has been upgraded and will provide bespoke support to each farmer over 6 months where participants develop a farm pitch which will be presented to an investor. What is exciting is that one farm will be backed by the investor and we expect more investors to sign up along the journey. The best applicant will then build a relationship with the investor over a number of months and once both parties are comfortable with the farm ownership plan, they will seek a farm and purchase it together. All other participants will have a farm pitch document, renewed confidence and the skills to attract investors or convince retiring farmers to transition ownership to them.
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Discussion with an Orchard Group
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Sam spoke to farmers in Huon Valley Tasmania about options for transitioning ownership of farms. The farmers are a group of organic orchardists who catchup regularly to discuss everything farming - ownership transition being a key topic. This is a great one for farmers looking to step back while seeing their farm-scale up on the back of a top gun next-generation farmer. Thanks to Matthew Tack from Our Mates Farm for setting this up
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
The topics we cover in Episode 78 of Cultivate Farms TV:
1. Gold content from July/August
2. Cultivate Farm Supporters
Agrimaster - https://www.agrimaster.com.au/
Mecardo - http://www.mecardo.com.au/
RCS - https://www.rcsaustralia.com.au/
Shine at Business - https://www.shineatbusiness.com.au/
3. Federal Agriculture Minister Meeting
4. Community rejuvenation
5. Cultivator 2.0
6. Ghinni Ghi 225 acres organic mixed operation farm
7. 3 x Greenhouse Igloos Northern Rivers NSW
8. 400 Acre Lease Innisplain Qld With Many Opportunities
9. 27 farm ownership opportunities
Cultivate Farm Links
Podbean: https://cultivatefarms.podbean.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cultivatefarms/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cultivatefarms
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cultivatefarms
Blog : https://www.cultivatefarms.com/blog/
#CultivateFarms #AspiringFarmers #retiringfarmers
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
ABC Radio Darwin, Weekend Mornings with Joel Spry
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
What is your great Australian dream? Is it to become a farmer and owning a farm?
The biggest barrier is the mental barrier that you think farm ownership isn’t possible. We are here to tell you that it is possible. You might not be able to buy a farm on your own, but you can build relationships with retiring farmers and potential investors who can own the farm with you.
Get scheming and let’s get you farming!
Monday Aug 05, 2019
The Blythe Calnan Interview
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Get inspired by this amazing story of a farming couple from WA who get their chance and hustled their way to vendor finance deal with a retiring farming couple.
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
The topics we cover in Episode 77 of Cultivate Farms TV:
1. 1st year of Freeland Pork
2. Farms that haven’t sold for over 6 months
3. Agrimaster Partnership
4. Pick and farm and get to know it inside out
5. We are going to be historically correct
6. 100 acre Organic Cropping Farm Tongala Central Vic
7. Banyard Game Birds Pittsworth Qld
8. Farm ownership opportunities
Cultivate Farm Links
Podbean: https://cultivatefarms.podbean.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cultivatefarms/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cultivatefarms
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cultivatefarms
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Agrimaster Interview with Sam Marwood
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Sam Marwood here from Cultivate Farms and we are focused on finding pathways for the best next-gen farmers to own their farm. Part of what we do is to find the best people and organisations to put in front of our farmers to ensure they have the skills and tools to farm well. I had a farm advisor tell me a few months ago that AgriMaster is the finest agriculture finance system going around This piqued my interest, so I reached out. The AgriMaster team loved what we are doing and what we are about and so we established a partnership. Hence this discussion now with David Egerton-Warburton who is the Managing Director of AgriMaster David, thanks for your time. We are going to unpack what a farmer needs to do to keep on top of their numbers and how AgriMaster can help. Also, we will be announcing the details of our partnership. Questions 1. How do you help farmers? What is your goal for them? 2. What are the nuts and bolts of AgriMaster? How do farmers use it? 3. Can this work on any farm? 4. How long have you been around at AgriMaster? 5. What is your passion in agriculture and farming? What is your background in ag? 6. What is your footprint across Australia? 7. How do you differ to Xero? 8. Do accountants use this platform? 9. What is the best setup you have seen? 10. Young farmer 11. Why are you partnering with us at Cultivate Farms? 12. What is our partnership arrangement? $349 for 12 months (usually $1100) Then $110 off ongoing. Thanks again for your time David Please do check AgriMaster out Again they are great supporters of Cultivate Farms, so if you want to support us, make sure you sign up with them.
Cultivate Farm Links
Podbean: https://cultivatefarms.podbean.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cultivatefarms/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cultivatefarms
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cultivatefarms
Blog : https://www.cultivatefarms.com/blog/ #CultivateFarms #AspiringFarmers #retiringfarmers
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Cultivate Farms TV Episode 76: Be a walking billboard for your farm
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
The topics we cover:
a) Merchandise
b) Keep your farmer details up to date
c) Freeland Pork 1 year anniversary
d) RCS partnership
e) Unlocking your vision for your farm - retiring farmers
f) Paying a farm advisor to get yourself farm ready
g) World’s largest collection of farm ownership pathway ideas
h) Grafton dairy farm NSW
i) 26 Farm ownership opportunities
Cultivate Farm Links
Podbean: https://cultivatefarms.podbean.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cultivatefarms/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cultivatefarms
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cultivatefarms
Blog : https://www.cultivatefarms.com/blog/
#CultivateFarms #AspiringFarmers #retiringfarmers
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
The topics we cover in Episode 75 of Cultivate Farms TV:
a) Weekly update
b) Lead investor announced
c) Contacting real estate agents about farms that haven’t sold for a while
d) Investor wanting to co-own with a top gun farmer - West of Sydney
e) Template letter to retiring farmers
f) 3 new farms
g) Updated farm focused on vendor terms
h) 25 farm ownership opportunities
Every week Sam Marwood takes you behind the scenes of what we are doing to help make your farm dreams a reality.
Cultivate Farm Links
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cultivatefarms/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cultivatefarms
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cultivatefarms
Blog : https://www.cultivatefarms.com/blog/
#CultivateFarms #AspiringFarmers #retiringfarmers